Katarina of Roses and Stuff must have been thinking of those bloggers who are still in the winter season with thick snow in their gardens when she themed her Blommig Fredaq (Blooming Friday) today - A Pinch of Green. In that cold grey/white wintery scene there is hardly any green or any colour can be seen at this moment except maybe brown. But still in some warmer parts, a bit of colour here and there is beginning to show out of the thick snow. Here in the tropics, we have greens all year round, but still looking for a bit of green on a flower is not in abundance either. I was looking the whole garden front to back, for a streak or a pinch of green in any of the flowers in my garden and I found these.
pink agloanema, though the flower is white and green (courtesy of Stephanie)
thats all you get from this flower...its not going to bloom any bigger
green stems of water hyacinth with its green guest
hydrangea turning from green to purple
flower of long bean, greenish with a bit of light purple
streaks of green on this white spider blooms
some seeds from a purple lily plant...some are still green
a tiny bit green in the centre of Impatient
flower of long bean, greenish with a bit of light purple
which part of this flower is green can you see?...its green stamens of eggplant flower
water orchids
A pinch of green in a cold, cold white wintery scene is just like a pinch of salt in a bland and tasteless food. Will warm your heart and makes you want to jump with joy and celebrate!
At the same time since its Fertiliser Friday, Im flaunting my blooming flowers hosted by Tootsie of Tootsie Time. Lets visit her for more blooming flowers!