Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stylish Award

Joy of My Little Potted Garden and Milka of Milka's Jishiben had awarded me this award. What did I do? Well, don't know if Im that stylish or deserved to receive the award, but Im thanking both ladies for awarding this Stylish Blogger Award and Im flattered and honoured to receive it.

In accepting this award these are the things you have to do:-

  1. Post linking back to the person that gave you the award.

  2. Share 7 random things about yourself.

  3. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.

  4. Drop them a note and tell them about it.

So here are some of the things about me though not necessarily all nice things, mind you! :)

  1. I always have good appetite for food.

  2. Though I love food, Im not a good cook especially at baking. But I love to 'read' recipes!

  3. Thats why I love to go out with friends to eat sometimes, though not all the time! Love to cook for my family during weekends when most of them are around.

  4. Love to travel just to relax, sight-seeing and taste the good food in my travels.

  5. Cant resist going to nurseries in my travels too.

  6. Love to go for movies with my friends or family.

  7. Gardening and blogging are my favourites. Wishing that I can have beautiful garden like the ones Ive seen in those great garden blogs.

I see that my favourite bloggers have received this award too, so I have to award it to others who I think are also deserving it as follows:-

  • Lotusleaf of Gardentropics
  • Bernie of Bush Bernie's Garden Blog
  • Arati of Tree, Plants & More
  • Chris of Garden Sense
  • Helen of My Rustic Bajan Garden
  • Prashanth of Got Geosmin
  • Rosie of Mygardenhaven1
  • Ali of Mud Pie
  • Martha of Martha's Favourites
  • Karin of Southern Meadows
  • Soren of Flaneur Gardening
  • Alistair of Aberdeen Gardening- from Bonnie Scotland
  • Flowerlady of Flower Lady's Musings
  • Amy of Go Away, Im Gardening!
  • Celine JS of Fugue

Im extending these award to the above bloggers whose blogs I have enjoyed reading and of which some of them I have discovered recently. Happy Gardening to you all!


  1. I always go to nurseries on my travels too, they are so irresistible, even though I can't bring any plant home

  2. I think I like to read recipes more than I actually like making them, too. Thanks for thinking of me. :)

  3. It was fun to learn more about you. I love food too, but like you, I am not a great cook. I don't even read the recipes, I just look at the pictures.

  4. Thank you very much for the honour. Interesting...I'll do some serious scouting around to select 15 more blogs to give this award to. We have lots in common, going for movies being one of them.My whole family love going to the cinema. And of course another thing in common is jalan2, makan2.

  5. Its true Fer, nurseries and flower shops are my weakness when I travel especially overseas.I went mad seeing their beautiful flowers and plants!

    Same here Amy!

    Threedogsinagarden, thats why I have lots of cook books...Just love looking at those glossy pictures of yummy food!

    Rosie, yes I love jalan2 cari makan! Have fun!

  6. Nurseries are so irresistable for me too!
    Nice to know more about you!

  7. They are Malar, until my sons will not stop at another nursery if I were to buy more plants!

  8. I am also not good at baking. But it is one thing I would like to learn in my life if I ever find the time ;-).

  9. I did go to baking classes Diana, but when I got home, Im not so confident to try them. So I prefer to buy them from bakeries! Or maybe Im too lazy?

  10. Hi p3chandan,
    Congrats on the awards and thank you for accepting it. I do have many cookbooks too and read them before I retire for the night or browse through them when I have my morning coffee! My hubby asked, what is there to read??? Guys, they just do not understand!
    Nurseries is one of my favourite places too, to restrict myself from buying more, I make sure that my purse has only a certain amount before going!
    It is nice to know more about the person behind this lovely blog. Thank you. Will visit the rest as soon as I have time. Just came back yesterday, got tons of things not settled yet, like a mountain of dirty laundry, urgh....!

  11. Joy, thank you for the award and your lovely comment here! It was fun knowing about each other with this award. Glad to have you blogging again after the long holidays..

  12. nice to know a little more about yourself.
    I love checking out nurseries and see whats new in the market. And also check the prices and see how expensive plant also can be.
    At the end of the day, I end up just buying to bags of soil (the red & black)

  13. Congrats... very nice new picture at the top...

  14. Ooo thank you so much, I am so excited about getting an award, I just feel so chuffed that anyone reads the things that I post!

    I also love to eat but am not a fantastic cook! An okay one, but not fantastic :)

  15. I'm back! Thank you for sharing the 7 things about yourself. 3 out of 7 is about food! Haha.

  16. You are right, nowadays plants are so expensive especially if its near any festive season. Now Im buying only their bags of soil for my new raised beds.

    Thank you Mr Lrong, you too!

    You are most welcome Ali. I love reading yours! You have great posts and photos and I can identify with most of the plants too since we have almost the same climate. As long as your family can eat and love your cooking, I think thats already okay! Well, at least my 3 sons love my cooking :)

    Glad to have you back blogging Milka! Haha..see I love food too much!

  17. Thank you so much for the award. I am so honored. Sorry I haven't replied earlier. The flu has been making the rounds in my house. I enjoyed reading about you. I will have to give some thought to my post. Thank you!
