Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why is mine pink?

The balsam seeds Malar (My Little Garden) gave a month ago finally bloom today. But what a shock I had, its PINK not RED!
but still....its a beauty!
Could it be the soil or not enough fertiliser?
I was looking forward to the red double layer blooms shown in Malar's and Bangchik's garden.

But Im still happy they finally bloom, no matter what colour!
Thank you Malar for the seeds


  1. This is a sweet surprise. You are fortunate. The one I had was also red.

  2. What a lovely surprise. Must be one of the genetic factor.

  3. Oh, wish I knew, but so many of your wonderful plants are new to me.

  4. One its still lovely but I hope among them at least a few would be red.

    Diana, do you think so? Not because of the soil or lack of fertiliser? Anyway, I still love the colour!

    Rainfield you are right, I think so too!

    Wong, yes just for me!

    Alistair, its called Impatiens Balsamina. Its a very old perinnials discovered in South East Asia around 1900. They have single or double layer flowers.They are also known as Busy Lizzie and Touch-me-not.

  5. Czy rożowe, czy czerwone i tak piękne. Pozdrawiam

  6. Ah, but the pink is so beautiful, too! Balsams are fun plants. I love the foliage almost as much as the flowers!

  7. You should be glad to get something 'special' hehe. Pink jugak cantik ma. Don't know is balsam the one i always see (凤仙花)? Some said poisonous some said a medicinal herb?? Will you goreng with your veggie?

  8. I prefer the delicate, pink flowers compared to the red. They remind me of sweet-pea.

  9. Wow! This is special! The pink is beautiful, so sweet and pretty. Now maybe, Malar will ask you for some seeds! He! He! :)

  10. Giga, yes you are right, pink or red, its still so beautiful!

    Beth I dont mind the pink since its quite pretty too.

    Milka the balsam I know is the one we always learn in biology class, the simple plant. Not sure of whether the leaves can be eaten, maybe thats another type, not found here. Avtually I dont mind getting that pink colour one, they are so cantik!

    BAG, so you love pink too..I dont mind if I get a mixed of both colours, that would be so lovely!

    Hehehe..maybe you are right Joy, I will be saving the seeds just in case anybody wants them!

  11. What a suprise! beautiful pink balsam!

  12. nice balsam! atleast u have different balsam to share with bangchik and malar..i remember this balsam! when i was small, i used to 'jentik' its fruits and its will curl..

  13. Yes Malar, a really nice surprise! As I told you the next day I had another balsam!

    My Treasure..thank you, actually I got both colours the next day, the red balsam bloomed too!
