Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Perforated!




  1. p3chandan, you manged to raise my hair again...

  2. I'm smiling. Err... Can I?

    So, what were missing on the cabbage were in your garden.

    That grasshopper really left some 'shit'. :) It's turning its back on you too.

    You need a face to face discussion with these bugs.

  3. Oh dear!!!! You have the same problem like me... I tell you.. I am at the brink of giving up planting my own vegetables.. if it is not the stray cats that come and dig up everything or stomp on them, it is the squirrel or rats coming by to eat up all the young healthy shoots.. or the grasshoppers or caterpillars eating everything that is green... I am really at a lost! The grasshoppers around my place is really huge and they fly.. and they even eat up the banana leaves of my banana plant.. Sigh..

  4. Yes Milka..mine too when I took the photos! But this time I let them off, hope to get beautiful butterflies in my garden before all the leaves are gone!

    Haha..One, its ok if they do it on the leaves or elsewhere but not on me!

    Wah! Food so many pests ar..so far mine are small ones like those two. Your garden is very healthy thats so many of them love to party there!

  5. Oh dear! That is frustrating. Not sure who is the culprit but they are great photographs!

  6. Do you appreciate these artworks?

    I used to throw this caterpillar into the drain. Drowned it.

  7. Thank you Karin. I think must be both of them! Usually caterpillar will start from the very end slowly going inside...

    I like the artworks Rainfields but not on all my vegetables! I know, I used to do that too, now and then I will point by water jet and send them flying away from my leaves! hehe..cruel? I geli want to pick them one by one lor...but today I left them be, so more butterflies will be in my garden!

  8. California is a slug and snail paradise. I see perforated all the time:)

  9. Oh...you captured the beauty among the chaos.

  10. p3 if I were you I would capture more than beauty in this instance. Send me your address and I will get the hit squad over pronto.

  11. Perforations are normal business in my garden, but the culprits are not as beautiful.

  12. It looks like the caterpillars and grass hoppers had a nice lunch :-)

  13. I like the green caterpillar with the beautiful markings on his back! Great photos!

  14. Masha, luckily I dont have them in my garden, these two gave enough headaches as it is!

    Shoba...yes they can be a bit shocking to non-gardeners, it still saddened me to see my healthy vegetables being served as breakfast, lunch n dinner!

    Sage Butterfly..I noticed the 'beauty' (damaged leaves) before the culprits!

    Hehehe..Alistair, by the time your hit squad got here, my vegetables will be reduced to leafless stems!

    BAG..beautiful? To me they are ugly ferocious little monsters! Bbut this time, Im letting them go cos I want to see more butterflies in my garden.

    Ron, not only they have lunch, they are having a party in my garden!

    Theanne, thank you but actually when I photographed them, my hair stood on ends...they are so ugly monsters especially when you see the close-up of the face!

  15. First I see a couple of caterpillars sunbathing. Next I was going to ask, "Did a witch turn one of them into a grasshopper and do you have to kiss grasshopper for it to change into a Prince Charming?"

  16. Wow, you have my sympathy! Unfortunately i have seen this before. One of my most beautiful ( at least it has been beautiful in the past) hostas came up from the ground just this week, and it looks like a host of grasshoppers or a monster sized slug descended on it. Maybe it was a rabbit. Sigh. That's what we gardeners get for offering up such tempting morsels to hungry critters.

  17. Haha..Autumn Belle, too bad no Prince Charming, I would love one!

    Thats right Rosie..found the culprits!

    Yes Deb, we gardeners are a generous lot to those critters!

  18. Oho My okra also under attack by the aphids. So I am searching for ladybird to get rid of them.
