Flaunting my blooming flowers from the garden and vegetable beds.
our National flower the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hippeastrum reticulatum sometimes called 'amaryllis' by nurseries or a variety of Dutch Hybrids

a delicate tissue-like flower of a bean plant or something else I planted which I have forgotten to note down the name!

Clerodendrum incisum (Musical Note Plant)

purple impatiens balsamina

Melastoma malabathricum (sendudok) white variety

Tibouchina urvilleana (sendudok) purple variety

Japannese honeysuckle or Lonicera japonica, the seedling was given by my friend Noni, it is a woody vine that has a sweet fragrance

Thevetia peruviana (peach)

Thevetia peruviana (yellow), this plant's white sap is poisonous or toxic, so must warn your small children when handling the flowers

Adenium obesum (desert rose), the first bloom since I cut the whole plant bald end of last year!

Texas sage or Ash plant ( Leucophyllum frutescens)
Im going to be very busy with the coming birth of a grandson probably today, going to be a first time Grandma! Yeay!
Love all of your blooms! I especially like the Okra bloom! I have always thought that those blooms were pretty.
That tissue like blossom is really unique...
Calling by to visit another participant from Flaunt your Flowers.Your flowers are magnificent the only ones I am familiar with are the hibiscus. Congratulations on your new title.
Great selection of flowers ... the bean plant flower is particularly interesting. Love the Thevetias and the Japanese Honeysuckle, and the colour of that Hippeastrum is just beautiful.
You have some nice flowers for today..interesting your lacey white flower.
The transparent flower is the most interesting one I have seen in a while. Very, very cool.
Congratulations on becoming a Grandma, a wonderful and special job. Love the flowers in the post.
The tissue-like flowers are beautiful.
Congrats on becoming a first-time Grandma!!!
I love your Clerodendrum incisum - very pretty!
Your garden is so colourful!
Those delicate white flowers seem really special.
Congratulations on becoming a Grandmother, best wishes for a safe, healthy delivery.
You have so many flowers I've never seen, the white tissue one is really different, and the clerodendrum incisum is also so lovely.
What a nice flowerpitchures you show us :) it's like paradis :) /Suss
Beautiful! I can only imagine how wonderful they must smell
Beautiful flowers! Congratulations on your grandson's birthday and on being a grandma! :)
Congrats on becoming a grandma :-)
I like the hibiscus flower. I have some pretty orange ones in pots on my porch in bloom now :-)
Take care and have a great weekend :-)
All your blooms are spectacular. I love hibiscus...it is such a beautiful and bold and big bloom. And if you ever find out what that lacy bloom is, I would love to know. It is a very interesting flower.
That unknown plant is very beautiful, havent seen something like that. I hope it gets some seeds. Do you know if its also one of the cucurbits?
Beautiful blooms. Loving the hibuscus.
Tissue like flower is a bit unusual..., wonder what it is..
Beautiful blooms! They would make a lovely bouquet for a Mother!
Happy Mother's Day, Shida!
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother and Happy Mother's Day! I think the same flowers that grow there also grow well in Florida! I have some similar in my garden. However, not the pretty transparent bloom.... so delicate looking. All your photos are so good...thanks for sharing your blooms!
Gorgeous! If you figure out what that tissue plant is, let us know. So so pretty!
Your blooming plants are bloody marvellous. Congratulations on the imminent happy event.
Great flowers.Lovely garden u must have and Congratulations!
You really have lovely flowers. Funny to see Japanese honeysuckle which is considered a noxious weed here. I love its scent. Congratulations on the birth of your grandchild.
Enjoyed your musical note flower and japanese honeysuckle. They really look lovely for a white flower.
And congratulation in becoming the new granny..
Hello fellow bloggers, thanks for visiting and leaving your lovely comments, thank your for the good wishes on the occasion of my being a first Grandma. It certainly changed my life...such a hectic week but an exciting one! Ive found out about the pretty unusual lacy blooms - its the bloom of a cucurbit family (Andrea you are right about that!),known in India as the Kakdi, a type of cucumber known as Armenian cucumber, snake cucumber or snake melon.Visit Antara's blog the Garden Jewels at http://antarasgarden.blogspot.com/2011/05/surprises-this-week.html. Thanks Antara for visiting my small garden or I wouldnt have find out about the plant, though I dont remember seeing that in the seed packet! But I remember, I planted some bitter gourd seeds..but I got a different surprise!
Thanks once again to you all, I will try to visit your posts as soon as I can find some free time!
Those tissue flowers of the bean plant look so pretty!! Just like lace!
Your garden is full of beautiful flowers. Congratulations on being first time GM. Dah naik pangkat!
Congrats on becoming a grandma! That will be so much fun! Your garden is full of spectacular blooms! Always fun to stop by!
A lot of them i have never seen before leh. The white ones with some misai are very sui.
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