In nature you can find work of arts in the veins, colours, shapes, patterns, grooves of leaves, flowers, bark of trees and branches, even the shadows and sunlight leave a pattern, to mention a few. Today's theme for Blooming Friday is Pattern hosted by Katarina of Roses and Stuff.
shape and grooves of fern leaf - imagine the pattern on a porcelain dinner set or a silk skarf

a palm tree with bunches of its fruits hanging down in arches

a dark magenta on white petunia

the caladium tricolor in blotches of white spots on green with red centre veins is like a stylised leaves you find in batek painting
The garden is really an inspiration where you can have the best and unique work of arts by nature. It strikes our senses visually, sometimes without us realising it and taking it for granted that it will be there forever. Come have a peek at other worldly patterns in Roses and Stuff. Have a good weekend gardening!
I love seeing all these plants from the other side of the world - I grow ferns a lot but the water hyacinth is a plant I'm not familiar with - lovely picture. Are the fruits hanging from the palm tree dates ? or some other fruit.
Ohh how lovely!
Hello AYIMG, thank you. The palm tree is the same one featured in my previous blog Wordless Wednesday, not sure what kind of fruits..its not dates or beetlenuts. The water hyacinth is a water plant found commonly in ponds or disused mining pools here,it multiplies and cover the whole area rapidly.
Hi Linda, thank you for your comment and dropping by my small garden.
You have found some unusual and lovely patterns.
When we get older and older, we can see patterns on our face, though they are not as beautiful as what you have shown.
Great selection of different patterns!
Lovely photos!
Have a nice weekend! / Irene
I like y our patterns a lot and you're quite right about the resemblance to batek painting!
Thanks for sharing!
Here we can enjoy a lot of different pattern. Lovley :)
Fern is a real showpiece for patterns, always very intricate...
Lotusleaf, thank you..we can find lovely patterns in our own garden, so look out for them next time you are in the garden, you will be amazed!
Rainfield, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But as you get older you tend to look deeper than surface beauty.Anyway, nowadays you can change the pattern on your face if you dont like it, with botox or plastic surgery :)
Rosie, thank you.
Irene, thank you. You too have a great weekend gardening!
Hello Katarina, thank you for dropping by my small garden.Yes it does especially the white blotches..
Monica, thank you. I love yours too.
Bangchik, thank you. To me fern has an exotic pattern..
My aunt sent me some water hyacinth from Johore, i kept them in the pond but they all died off after 1 month. I always have no luck in water plants :(
I love all the purples in your garden. I guess you like pruple ;)
Lovely plants. I guess batik designs are really an inspiration from plants!
Milka, aiyoo..if only you are near here, I could have given you one guniful of water hyacinth and water cabagges 'cos they multiply so fast in my pond, I have to throw them away! Yes I love purple flowers..but all of them are just coincidence not really choosing only purple.
Yes they are kitchen flavours.The very popular ones that I know are pucuk rebung and bunga tanjung.
TQ but give me also no use. As i said, i got no luck in water plants, i rear some fishes but all also kena curi sama burung. I really speechless. Now i only put fake flowers in the pond, totally carefree, Haha.
Beutiful flowers :) /Suss
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