Its been raining almost everyday here either that or the days are gloomy with dark clouds overhead. But luckily my garden has a fair share of its flowers still blooming for the Garden Bloggers' Blooming Day hosted by Carol of May Dreams Gardens every middle of the month.

not sure of what flower bud this is...

thanks to Bernie this is called Yellow Walking Iris ( Neomarica Longifolia)

white plumeria blooming, the cuttings given by my sister

the rain did not deter these flowers, Brunfelsia (thanks to Bernie), to bloom although they look so delicate, in fact they seem to love the rain and flower profusely!
Although the rainy season had reaked havoc in some places like our east coast areas and Queensland in Australia, and did some damage to our plants in the garden, the emergence of a small tiny bud will cheer us up a bit. Lets move DownUnder to look at Bush Bernie's Garden Blog for more varieties of tropical blooms.
What beautiful blooms you do have despite the rain. I know all about endless dreary overcast rainy days ... that seems to pretty much sum up our weather here for the last couple of months. We're so fortunate here in the north of Queensland not to have experienced the horrible flooding that's occurred down in the central and southern parts of our state.
Your blooms are all just lovely ... I especially like your beautiful white Tibouchina! That is just stunning. I'm also a big fan of the lovely purple Brunfelsia ... I love how the flowers fade away to white.
The lovely yellow bloom that you're not sure about is Neomarica longifolia or Trimezia martinicensis ... the Yellow Walking Iris. I have lots of it growing here and it spreads like wildfire.
Thanks you so much for kindly mentioning my blog. We're both rather lucky that we live in spots where we can have blooms pretty much all year round.
You have many varieties of flowers. The white plumeria is very pretty. Looks like your garden is in full bloom now. Lovely!
The bloom look so fresh from the rain. Make feel fresh and cool too in this summer heat.Mine are struggling with the heat.
You have some pretty Bloom Day color. Even the white is brightening the garden. Green is good enough here in the snow covered Falls. Gardens like yours make Bloom Day fun.
I haven't seen white senduduk before. Isn't that yellow flower a ground orchid? My brunfelsia is doing well in the rain too. Does your white plumeria smell the same as the other colours? My red one doesn't have any scent. I have recently obtained the cuttings of the pink one.
Bernie, its my pleasure to show your garden to other bloggers, you have lots of varieties of tropical plants and flowers! Thanks for visiting my small garden and letting me know the names those 2 flowers, appreciate it very much.
kitchen flavours, Diana thank you,almost everyday is raining here, thats why they look so fresh with raindrops on their petals.
Thank you Donna. Happy weekend to you!
Aisey One, I just propagated the white pinkish plumeria for you, but its ok, I can give it to someone else.I have 2 white plumeria, one has no scent at all (the above photo), the other one is the bunga kubur which has very sweet scent.
The rain drops on the blooms are so beautiful! What a great variety of blooms you have in your garden right now.
Hi Elaine, rain makes some plants happy and at the same time destroyed some. Thank you for dropping by my small garden. I just love what you displayed in Blooms Day!
Very beautiful blooms! happy blooms day
We have this flower, and I just learn from your post its name: Brunfelsia... I accidentally cut the plant with the grass cutter and my wife's jaw dropped... ooh...
Thank you Fer.Have a nice weekend!
Hehehe...Lrong, my jaws would drop too and of cos I will membebel!
There are a lot of water in Penang too.
It is usually dry at this time of the year, but weather has changed.
Your blooms are a breath of sunshine! Thank you.
We are under a complete snow cover and expecting more today, and I have no flowering houseplants so no GBBD for me. I can enjoy all the Southern Hemisphere participants.
It is fun to see flowers, that are to me in my northern garden, very exotic. I like the Yellow Walking Iris. Even its name is interesting. Enjoy your weekend!
Rainfield I remember last time, the month before CNY it would be hot and dry and windy, nowadays you just cant predict the weather!
Thank you Whimsical Gardener.
Carolyn,since gardening is out during winter, Im wondering what activities are done indoor during that time besides blogging.
Threedogsinagarden, thank you..its such a sweet small yellow flower, Bernie was the one who let me know the name..You too enjoy your weekend!
What a joy to see such pretty flowers on this cold, winter day! Mandevilla is a favorite of mine, but my garden world is to harsh to grow her anywhere but indoors. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I'm glad we're connected. Happy Bloom Day!
Beautiful. I especially like the white ones.
THe pink mandevilla is gorgeous. I too think the yellow flower is a Walking Iris.
lovely flower displays, i've never seen a white tibouchina before, the leaves are also very different than the typical species
have a great weekend
Beautiful display of flowers... quite a range of colours.
Hi Kate, thank you.Its lovely to have this GBBD meme so that we can'travel' all over the world to take a peek at each other's garden.
Hello Mac, thanks for visiting my garden.
Lotusleaf, thank you. Yes it is Yellow Walking Iris, I love it too.
Aloha Noel, thank you for dropping by my small garden.Yes the white tibouchina is seldom seen, the leaves are the same as the dark magenta ones displayed on my Header.
Bangchik, thank you.
Look at those beautiful colours, that's the reason why we keep on gardening :) Happy weekend, pcchandan!
So many beautiful blooms! I love the Walking Iris :)
Milka and Rebecca, thank you to both of you. Happy weekend to you too!
All very pretty! It is raining here, as well. I am ready to see the sun. We have opposite blog titles...i am telling them to go away and you are telling them to go right in. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog, too. are right about our blog titles being the opposites of each other. Happy gardening!
My favourite has to be that iris. If it hadn't been for Bernie I too would have immediately thought that it was an orchid of some type.
My GGBD post will be in a day or so but I've nothing as exotic as whats in your garden to show.
Thank you Leavesnbloom. I thought so too because the bloom really looks like an orchid, thanks to Bernie for identifying it for us.
So nice to see all this color, especially since everything is brown and gray here.
Thank you Les, I guess we are lucky gardeners in the Tropics, our garden blooms all year round!
hi, the dark pink mandevilla is my favourite!
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