Early morning while pottering round in my garden, suddenly I felt like shouting and bursting into a song " you are my sunshine"...or something like that! Why? You will know why...just look at these photos I posted below...

my first cucumber flower...

my first 3 cherry tomatoes after a freak storm broke its stem half way!

3 orchid seedlings I bought at Putrajaya Floria 2010
one started to bloom!
You make me happy, all of my firsts today. Hope I will have so many many more firsts next year!
P/S: Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah 1432 (Muslims' New year)
Looks like you will harvest many veggies soon. All look lovely.
Congratulations! You are my sunshine....
The orchid is a Phalaenopsis orchid (moth orchid), that much I know. There are so many varieties that I wouldn't be able to pinpoint that for you. Love the ladyfingers! I'm thinking of planting them here in my garden, come spring. It's so popular sliced into small rings, breaded and lightly fried in the USA, especially in the southern states. Though we call it okra more commonly (I prefer 'ladyfingers' myself.)
Yes Diana, Im going to have more next year I hope..:0
One..thank you, you make me happy!you make me smile! :)
GG thanks for letting me know the orchid's name! I love okra too, usually I will add them to fish curry or stir fry veggie. Thats a new recipe for okra, would love to try it too..thanks.
I found okra's flower in your photos which I like most among vegetable flowers.
I hope you'll see great harvest!
Such a pretty bloom! Soon you will have handful of vegetables grown from your garden! Your tomato plant is doing great!
Trying to figure out what tomatoes you grow.
My DH (dear husband)grows about 100 different heirloom ones every year, wish he would stick to about 20...but I have no control with his tomato growing.:)
I'm enjoying your posts...nice job.
So that is a cucumber! Nice flowers. Nice plants. Your tomatoes are lovely! Happy for you!
Takaeko, thanks the 2 okra plants just starting to flower, Im looking forward to the harvest soon! I love the okra flower too, so delicate and sweet.
Yes Malar Im happy one cherry tomato plant is flowering although one had perished probably because of a worm infection or something when the whole plant just withered!
Patsi, Im soo amazed at your varieties of tomatoes your DH grow, never seen so many before! Mine is a cherry tomato that I bought at Tesco and sow the seeds..
Kithen flavours...thanks!
Happy New Year to you.
And wish you a sunshine day forever.
rainfield, thank you for your New Year wish, Im basking in my sunshine yesterday, alas..today its raining again! :)
All those first flowers are so beautiful.
And I see you enjoy it, like me.
It's refreshing to see signs of plant activity especially to someone who lives in a place where plants are just getting ready to go into a deep slumber. I miss gardening in the tropics...it's always warm and plants are always green.
What is the Muslim New Year? Is it December? Tell me something about it. :)
Hello Ellada, yes isnt it exciting when you first see the first flowers of your plants you have been lovingly looking after and the anticipation that soon you will see the first fruits of your labour!
Hi Helen, indeed we in the tropics are a lucky bunch that we can garden all year round while the temperate countries are taking a good break for the rest of the year until the new spring shows its face. But still we do envy you having such beautiful four seasons with such wide varieties of plants to grow!
Briefly, our Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, based on the revolutions of the Moon.The Muslim New Year is celebrated on the first day of Muharram which is the first day of the Muslim calendar, which is short of 11 to 12 days of the Georgian calendar.So it doesnt falls on the same date or on the same month every year.The Muslim New Year is also to remind us the migration of Prophet Muhammad or Hijrah from Mecca to Medina, though the actual migration did not occur on the first day of Muharram. In fact, the Muslim calendar was instituted after the migration to remind us of the significance of it.
But the celebrations is not like we celebrate the New Year of the Georgian calendar. Muslims will gather in mosques to offer special prayers, read special verses of the Quran and to reflect on their life and the manner they have lived for the past year and try to be a better Muslim in the following year. Though nowadays, people have started sending greeting cards or text messages to each other to wish them Happy Muslim New Year!
A wonderful set of first. May your new year be full of joyful beginnings.
Thank you Lifeshighway, hope all my prayers will be answered and I will have many many more fruitful years in my life and garden!
A lot of firsts! I hope they all continue to grow nicely.
Thanks Fer, hopefully so, looking forward to the first cucumber, okra and cherry tomatoes!
hallo,kak na tny niy,camne na jga orkid phals tu..
sy banyak bli yg seedling,tp mslahnya da bsar pun,still x brbunga..hampir 2 thn..sy ltak di carporch dan kne cahaya matahari pg,siram 2 hari sekali,baja tiap2 bulan..boleh brikan nasihat?
Lovely photos and the orchids are beautiful.
Goldenray Yorkies
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