No birthdays, no annivesaries, no admirers to give me bouquet of flowers.....but I love to have them around me in my garden at all times!
blooms cheer up my small garden
chrysanthemums...have to put them in shade with these rain!

senduduk (tibouchina urvilleana) nursery version, not the wild thing you find on the roadside, the colour is very dark magenta, here they look more blue..

first weed (name unknown)
but looking at my backyard, the weeds are having a field day, with lush and healthy covering on my fence and any available little cracks on the cement especially in this rainy season

second the small bright yellow flowers everywhere looking like miniature sunflowers

third weed....lovely little white flowers with light purple stripes in the centre
Weeds?! time for weeding now the rain is here almost everyday...besides I imagine creepy crawlies (like pacat) crawling up my arms!!!!
Hi Puteri, No need for bouquets when you have such lovely fresh flowers in your garden. I have Costus too. How long do you have your Chrysanthemums already? Today, I also posted on the white and purple wild flower. What a coincidence!
Lucky you. Your weeds are so pretty. What is the first weed? There are fruit attach on it.
One..another coincedence? We must be thinking alike! I had my mums since 6 months ago, but have pruned the top after their first flowers, these are second blooms.
Diana, Im not sure of the name but they are creepers, almost like mini watermelon but inside of the fruits are hollow with green little seeds. My weeds are pretty? hmmm..I should grow more weeds then..hehehe
I have seen a wild red button ginger at Cerok Tokun. It kept a pony-tail.
How come your weeds are so pretty?
I usually buy chrysanthemums for CNY but they don't last long, like 3 months the most. Very sad to see them go. Maybe you can teach me how to keep them long life?
You have lovely weeds! No need to do any weeding! Save all the backache! I always have backache when I sweep the belimbing fruits and leaves. The plant with the yellow flowers and green fruit looks like the fuzzy melon!
Rainfield, you found costus that has ponytail? Amazing la your eyes! Mine has 'jambol'...hahaha
Milka, my weeds pretty huh? Thanks, you can have them, Im dont like to do weeding! Dont love your mums too much not to cut their top when the blooms have withered. They will grow back in no time, and will bloom again. Dont let them go out in the rain, they will rot fast..
Kitchen flavours, best advice Ive had so need to do weeding yay! Thats what I hate about weeding, its the backache and very time consuming! Fuzzy melon? cute name for a weed, thanks for letting me know.
The red botton ginger is my favorite of them all! After all, weeds are plants growing in the wrong place.
All flowers so nice and cute regardless weed or not. I have a similar weed that climbs your fence. Oh those mums, they are so delightful :-D
Helen, I too like the striking colour of that ginger. A lot of plants, started as weeds, ignored, called a pest, destroyed, until somebody plant and sell them at nurseries!
Steph, you are right, weeds or not, they are also plants sharing the space in our garden. Thanks, I love mums too, cos they are also good as cut flowers.
lagi geram tengok your garden.. i have the red button ginger too! hehe.. and i loveeeee your chrysanthemums
Thanks Lady, takpe kita sama2 geram at each other's garden..the grass seems greener on the other side kan!
A weed by any other name would still be beautiful. Of course anything blooming is a pretty sight for me now as Winter has put my gardens to sleep.
Yes you are right Meredehuit, anything blooming is still a flower whether its from a weed or not. I guess we, in the tropics, spend more time with our weeds all year round, but your weeds can be soo beautiful!
Salam, very nice post. I like your collections so much, esp. chrysanthemums. I never success to plant this flower ;-(
that climbing plant looks like gourd or melon....
Orchid, thanks but nothing compared to your beautiful and exotic orchids!
Bangchik, its a weed that looks like tiny melon and kitchen flavours has given a name - fuzzy melon.
You have lovely blooms in your garden, and I agree with other readers that your weeds look nice too!
Thank you Tatyana..I agree with them too!:)
Such a lovely weeds! I had many of the them(the weed in last picture) back in hometown!
Pacat? that's scary!
Malar weeds are having a blooming time in my garden since the rainy season, and of course I imagine pacat will always be among them! Very scary!
Really lovely blooms and buds.
Goldenray Yorkies
can u pls tell me the name of the yellow flower? is it a creeper that grows on the ground?
Heeey! I've been trying to look for the exact name of that sunflower-looking flower you've got right there. Do you know what it's called?
the yellow flower seems to be called as - "Singapore daisy".
Hi! I love your photos and blog, they are fun and refreshing! Our friend also have the same white flowering plants with purple markings, but can not identify it. Maybe you have identified it already?
I've found it! it's Asystasia Gangetica.
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