You have heard of Hanging Garden of Babylon, well....these are my hanging garden. Hanging pots of plants make up for a large part of my small garden. First and foremost, they are supposed to be hanged because of the nature of the plants, with trailing stems, vines and tendrils. Then there's an arbor (pergola) which was built for my grape vines which took quite a while for it to grow and climb. For aesthetic reason, I thought it look better with hanging pots so they dont look so bald. Moreover, because of space constraint in my small garden, the only available place for the pots are up in the air!
part of my hanging garden, petunias and fern

trailing periwinkle
the stems will hang down as they grow, more delicate than the normal one,
the leaves just dropped and the plant was completely bald last month!

you can just cut the baby spiders and plant them elsewhere, very easy to grow
have to transfer to another pot since they have more than one there
when I bought a few months back, it was fruiting with 10 strawberries!

flowering Cane Begonia

I think its another type of flame violets
Besides hanging them on the arbor, my mengkudu tree serves as a hanging place for those plants that need more shades or for those plants that have finally come to the stage where they need to be taken down. Sort of a 'hospital' for my dying hanging potted plants to recuperate, with tender loving care, I nurse them back to health...
Beautiful! I always like little hanging pots. Is amazing how you have so many varieties and they all look great.
You just remind me of my empty hanging pots that I have neglected for a while and my unfinished project. I am eyeing your baby spiders. Look so lush and pretty. I just cut some of my neighbour baby spider and plant some at my backyard. Your hanging garden is looking great.
Your spider plant is really productive and lush! I used to have lovely periwinkle that grows so lush and healthy that it almost touches the ground! I grew that periwinkle, which is white with red centres, and really beautiful when in full bloom, for almost 2 years! That's the longest hanging plant that I grew. Really sad when it finally wilted. This plant actually started the craze for hanging periwinkles with a few of my neighbours! LOL! They were amazed that it could grow so big. I'm amazed too! The ones after that did not last as long!
Your plant looks like an air fern, but I do not know the Latin name for it. If it blooms, then it is something else.
Love your cane begonia :-D The flowers can be seen much better when hanging. You are right about putting hanging pots while the vine slowly creeps up. Love this idea. Thanks for sharing!
Btw does that No ID plant has little flower and fruit? Check out Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri'
I have Ivy, Caladium, Spider plant and Flame Violets in my garden.
I have also 2 grape plants too.
Hanging plants are beautiful. How long have you been having that petunia? How long do they usually last for you?
The plants around make your pergola a lovely place to hangout. Maybe it is not new anymore but to a new gardener like me, i am amazed to see your grape and starwberry plants growing and even fruiting in this climate.
Thanks Fer, hanging pots saves a lot space for a small garden like mine, even on balcony like yours it should look lovely too!
Thank you Diana, never waste a hanging pot, can always plant your trailing beans or timun too for a change :)
Kitchen flavours..thanks.Yes I find that the trailing periwinkle is a bit delicate, only need partial sunlight and needs to be pruned always so that it will stay blooming.
Donna, I think its Asparagus Fern or Asparagus Densiflorus Sperengeri like Steph said, Ive checked it out and it has tiny white flowers.
Steph, thank you so much for letting me know the name, yes I think its what you said.
Rainfield, its high time you show us your garden with all those plants you mentioned, Im sure everybody is curious about photos from your own garden, not only on Cherok Tokun...I would love to see your garden!
One, petunia usually last longer if you rajin to deadhead the flowers every morning, or pinch the branches to make way for new ones. But if malas like me (not enough time to do that) the plant will last only 1 or 2 mths, then they wither and finally die. So before the final stage, I will take them to my mengkudu tree where it is very shady and nurse them back to health by re-potting and plant the remaining shoots, slowly it will come back with new shoots and start to flower again!
Milka, nowadays you can find a lot of temperate plants and flowers in our local nurseries not only grapes and strawberry but most of them you have to keep them in the shades or 50% or less sunlight..
The plants look so lush! I love Begonia but i have killed 2 pots of them that i stop planting them....;(
Your Pergola must be very nice place to hang around!
Thanks Malar, most begonias need partial sunlight but this Cane Begonia is quite hardy even when I hang it out in the sun but too much rain will rot it. The pergola is just a small one right above my small pond, the vine leaves will make it a bit shady for my hanging pots..
You have such a great selection of hanging plants and they're all looking very happy and healthy! Great Hanging Garden of Selangor!
That plant is indeed the Asparagus Fern ... I have some of it myself! I really love your variegated Wandering Jew ... I will definitely have to try and get one.
Thank you Bernie but I really envy your gorgeous garden with varieties of tropical and sub-tropical plants!
Hi P3chandan,
I agree with hanging garden, you keep the other space.
Just like to share with you a beautiful quote...
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life" - Albert Camus
You can get more quotes about happiness at
Hey! Wonderful hanging plants! I wish I had room to keep mine, but sadly, I can't since I would have to bring them in with the harsh winters around here... By the way, the second to last photo that you said might be a flame violet looks almost like some sort of plectranthus (swedish ivy), but then again, I have never actually grown a flame violet myself...
Hi Tanya, thank you for your beautiful quote and for dropping by my small garden. Happy holidays and Merry Xmas!
GG thank you. Ive looked up for plectranthus (swedish ivy) but I dont its the same plant since the flowers shown there are different. The blooms on my plants is exactly the same as flame violets but the leaves although the same pattern, they are difference because flame violets has velvety leaves while the other type its glossy. So they must be of the same type but different variety. Thanks anyway for the suggestion, now I know what swedish ivy looks like when I see one!
wow, u have such a beautiful garden.. i went to hardware shop just now jumpa strawberry seeds, dok wonder whether boleh ke tidak hidup, boleh ye?
So beautiful...I love your begonia varieties. You are sweet to tend them back to health :-)
Lady, try la dulu, memang challenging sikit la...even if you buy the seedlings dari nursery pun mula2 je dia ok, lepas tu kena jaga lebih sikit, kena siram once a day, jgn kena direct sunlight, under the shades sikit..tu pun susah nak berbuah jugak. Nasib2 la..
Thank you Cat, I guess I love my plants too much to see them die because of my neglect, I will do anything to make them healthy again..
Wonderful hanging plant, Last time I also plant petunia, after few month she rot, maybe I watering to much! My orchids all hanging too ;-) the other plant I hanged is spanish moss. Maybe next coming post i should attach this to my blog. Happy New Year...hope everything going well and full of happiness.
Thank you Makarimi. Petunia will not last very long unless you pinch them and replant. Happy New Year to you too!
Those are some lovely plants you have growing there.
Goldenray Yorkies
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